Multilateral Agreement on Investment ... The Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) was a draft agreement negotiated in secret between members of the ...
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Multilateral Agreement on Investment. Negotiations on a proposed multilateral agreement on investment (MAI) were launched by governments at the Annual Meeting ...
The MAI would establish a comprehensive framework for treatment of foreign investment. It would allow countries to take exceptions to some MAI obligations (such ...
Its proposed objective was to "provide a broad multilateral framework to for international investment with high standards for the liberalisation of investment ...
agreements would, of course, continue after agreement on the. Multilateral Agreement on Investment, but investors would be assured non-discriminatory ...
A Contracting Party shall permit investors of another Contracting Party and their investments to employ any natural person of the investor's or the investment's ...
The proposed MAI would legally limit how and when nations, states or communities can set investment policy. The MAI would require “national treatment” for all ...
Sep 25, 2015 · Investment treaties such as BITs and MITs are legal instruments entered into by two or more states for the purpose of increasing their ...
A gaping hole in the current global economic architecture is the absence of a multilateral agreement on foreign direct investment (FDI).
Multilateral Agreement on Investment. International flows of private investment have risen sharply in recent years. ... Written by Mark Vallianatos, Friends of ...