Popular Unity

Popular Unity

Political alliance
Popular Unity was a left-wing political alliance in Chile that stood behind the successful candidacy of Salvador Allende for the 1970 Chilean presidential election. Wikipedia
Founded: October 9, 1969
popular unity from en.wikipedia.org
Popular Unity (Spanish: Unidad Popular, UP) was a left-wing political alliance in Chile that stood behind the successful candidacy of Salvador Allende for ...
popular unity from en.wikipedia.org
As a socialist party, it is connected to homeless workers' movements and defends the nationalization of the banking system, social control of all monopolies, ...
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popular unity from www.britannica.com
Chile ... …and left-wing groups formed the Popular Unity (Unidad Popular) coalition, proposing as its presidential candidate Salvador Allende Gossens, a Socialist ...
Popular Unity was a hybrid of ideological positions, an attempt to pursue the Marxist-Leninist tradition within constitutional norms combined with an ad-hoc ...
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The Popular Unity government represented the first attempt anywhere to build a genuinely democratic transition to socialism-a socialism that, owing to its ...
Jun 30, 2009 · Popular Unity. His economic and social programme aimed to decrease Chile's dependence on other nations and the social inequality which was ...
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Twenty-three texts embodying the activity of Unidad Popular and Salvador Allende's government in the early 1970s are structured around five thematic sections, ...
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This special issue explores the idea and practice of democratic socialism as it was understood in Chile, which became the first country to pursue socialist ...
The Popular Unity government was a left-wing coalition government in Chile that existed from 1970 to 1973. It was led by Salvador Allende, who became Latin ...
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Jan 25, 2024 · You've probably played some of them. I was surprised to discover that the most successful Unity game is Pokémon GO. The second most successful ...