A transnational corporation (TNC) is defined as a company that operates in two or more countries. They are also called multinationals.
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Transnational corporation

A transnational corporation is an enterprise that is involved with the international production of goods or services, foreign investments, or income and asset management in more than one country. It sets up factories in developing countries as... Wikipedia
A transnational corporation is an enterprise that is involved with the international production of goods or services, foreign investments, or income and ...
transnational corporations from unctad.org
Transnational Corporations is a longstanding policy-oriented refereed research journal on issues related to investment, multinational enterprises and ...
With their huge demand for raw materials, TNCs provide impetus for opening major new mines, oil fields, forestry operations, etc. that stress natural systems.
Transnational corporations are perhaps most clearly interested in and able to influence major (economic-related) policy decisions of state actors. They command ...