Professional mobile detailer based in Cardiff


Level 1 from £50

Level 2 from £125

Level 3 from £200

Level 4 from £275

To ensure proper paint preparation, long-lasting results and product bonding requirements, every package starts with a 20-step level 1 detail wash and includes the following:

Paint inspection

Pre-wash -  loosens the dirt and debris.

Snow foam - non-contact step, breaks down and removes dirt and grime particles.

Wheels and tyres clean with iron and brake dust remover(face only).

Wheel arches cleaned


2 bucket method wash with specialised Ph neutral car shampoo and a microfibre mitt.


Chemical paint decontamination - the process of removing those "things" that your regular wash does not. Contaminants are made up of lots of particles which are harmful to your paint, this is what makes your car look dirty, dull and feeling rough.

Wash and Rinse

Mechanical paint and glass decontamination - a process of breaking down and removing dirt build-up and contaminants embedded in your car's paintwork. These include brake dust, acid rain deposits, industrial pollution and other damaging particles that attach themselves to your vehicles when driving or parking outside.


Vehicle carefully towel dried with a dedicated microfiber towel designed to dry the surface of your paintwork.

Outside glass finished with product packed with alcohol to lift grime and leave a residue-free finish.

Outside glass sealant - external glass treatment that repels rain, sleet and snow so it easily runs off the windscreen, allowing for clearer visibility in wet weather.

Tyres dressed and protected - tyre dressing immediately blackens and enhances the gloss of your tyres, also contains a UV reflecting agent that protects your tyre walls against sun damage.

Trim and plastics dressed and protected-plastic restorer brings new life to all exterior plastics, it has an advanced hybrid polymer technology that seals non-porous surfaces with exceptional UV protection to prevent further damage.

Ceramic coating - a product that contains a unique blend of 10 waxes infused with ceramic and graphene technology to create incredible shine, gloss, slickness, chemical resistance and hydrophobic properties on your vehicle’s paint, 4-6 months of protection guarantee.

Hand buff

Final inspection

Level 1- all above

Level 2 - includes light paint correction (machine polish).

Level 3 - includes stage 1 paint correction (machine polish) and paint de-greasing.

Level 4 - includes stage 2 paint correction (machine polish) and paint de-greasing.

Winter protection detail - same principals, different products used.

New car detail - same principals, different products, softer less abrasive pads and compounds used.

Vehicle detailing

Many car owners may have heard of the word “detailing”, but most can’t pin down exactly what it means and how it works. Car detailing at a very basic level, is making a vehicle look as close to “brand new” as possible, and even in some cases, “better than new”. However, that doesn’t really even scratch the surface of what actually goes into the detailing process.

Level 1 from £50

Level 2 from £125

Level 3 from £200

Level 4 from £275

Pre-sale detail

Want to boost your car's value before selling it? A good detail can make any vehicle appear to be 'well looked after' through the course of your ownership. Keeping an eye on just a few areas can create much more impact and leave nothing for the hagglers. It's claimed that detailing a car can increase its sale value by up to 10%. Whatever the precise number is, it's a fact that people often judge used cars on their first impressions. Maximising value means more cash in your pocket, an easier sale and a happier buyer.

Level 1 from £50

Level 2 from £125

Level 3 from £200

Level 4 from £275

New car protection detail

The sad fact is that new cars aren't in perfect condition. From being built at the factory, being shipped and finally going through process at the dealership, there are a lot of opportunities for contamination and damage to be inflicted across a cars delicate surfaces.

Level 1 from £50

Level 2 from £125

Level 3 from £200

Level 4 from £275

Winter protection detail

Salt is corrosive, which means that it can eat through your paint over time. If left unattended, salt could lead to paint damage and rust on your car. A winter protection detail will not only protect your vehicle from the elements during the harsh winter months but will also make cleaning much easier, allowing you to remove salt residue and traffic film much faster! Protecting your car before winter is just as important as checking oil, tyre pressure, and lights!

Level 1 from £50

Level 2 from £125

Level 3 from £200

Level 4 from £275

Headlight restoration

Restoration of yellowed and dulled headlights to help improve the visibility and performance of the lights, poor conditions of headlights are one of the most common reasons as to why mots fail. After the headlights are restored, special sealant is applied, it repels dirt, moisture and protect against uv rays.


Motorcycle detail

Many of the same detailing pricinciples used for cars have been adopted for bikes. This ensures a high quality service, correct application of products and superior results. Every time.

From £50

Professional tools

I am using the most modern machines LHR15 Bigfoot Mark III and LHR75E Mini BigFoot dual action polishers combined with the best cutting compounds and pads.